Thursday, August 19, 2010

Goverment homes autos sezed properties for sale?

forclosed properties confasked autos police auctionsGoverment homes autos sezed properties for sale?
Ok, do you have access to the INTERNET? Or a LIBRARY? Try GOOGLE, or a NEWSPAPER, or ask a county clerk when they hold their auctions. E-BAY has many options.

Or you can just drive around your town, and look for houses with white papers taped to the front door, or windows saying something like ';STAY OUT!';. DON'T go in, but WRITE down the information, and CALL on the phone to get more info. Use a little imagination, tow companies sell impounded cars, or those insidious title loan outfits,(I bet they have a bunch of cars they want to get rid of).Goverment homes autos sezed properties for sale?
It appears that the question period has expired. If you have received an answer that meets your needs, please choose a 'best answer.'


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